The House With The Clock In Its Walls

Hi my name is Danny Piscitelli i am 12 years old and I love sports some sports i like is baseball, basketball, and ultimate frisbee.  My book I read was The House With The Clocks In It's Walls. I love sports some sports I like is baseball, basketball, and ultimate frisbee. It was interesting but a little boring but at he end I couldnt stop reading it was so exciting a bunch of thing are going on then so I recomend reading this book hope you enjoy my website.


A ten year old boy named lewis barnevelt has to move in with his uncle Jonathan(wizard) because his parents past away in a car accident.  He is not that happy because everyone in his family says that his uncle is a loony toon.  So he is nervous to meet him but he is excited to move to michigan.  Once he gets there he relizes that in his house there are clocks everywhere.  Then he meets a neighbor of Uncle Jonathan's Mrs.Zimmerman a wizard.  Lewis cant stop hearing this ticking sound all over his new home and he cant figure out where its coming from.  Later he finds he finds out that the ticking soun known as clocks came from the person who use to live in this very own house.  His name was Isaac Izard who has put a spell on the house.  So Lewis reads magic books to figure out if he can reverse the spell.  On halloween night Lewis and his best friend Tarby go to the cemetary.  Lewis ends up puting a spell on a dead person to try an make him alive again.  The spell worked and the man ended up helping the boys to take the spell off his house.  Now Uncle Jonathan and Lewis are happily living together in the house with no ticking.